20 Incredible Animal Facts You Probably Don’t Know

Discover some incredible animal facts that you probably never heard of. You`ll be amazed with what these creatures are capable of.

The animal’s universe is really phenomenal. New information is discovered by scholars on duty and comes to the surface every day that is born on the horizon, always with something surprising that you did not know about some species of animals.

Just to give you an idea, animals have passed from sea to land 414 million years ago, meaning they have a lot of history to tell us.

So let’s get to know some of the most interesting and crazy things that happen to these beings that surround us:

1. Peacock Mantis Shrimp Fact

The peacock mantis shrimp can throw a punch at 50 mph, it`s tiny little claws can accelerate faster than a bullet.

2. Chimpanzee Fact

Studies have shown that wild chimpanzees in Guinea seem to like to drink alcohol as well as us humans. They regularly sip on fermented palm sap, which contains about 3 percent alcohol by volume.

3. Peacocks Fact

You may be surprised to learn that it is only the males that are actually called peacocks. The females are called peahens.

4. Elephant Fact

While young human children and babies quite often suck their thumbs for comfort, baby elephants suck their trunks for comfort.

5. Tiger Fact

Did you know it`s not just the tigers fur that is striped. Their skin also has the same pattern. Also each pattern is as unique as a fingerprint.

6. Grizzly Bear Fact

A grizzly bear’s bite is so powerful it can crush a bowling ball.

7. Otter Fact

Sea otters prefer sleeping on the water and so have to hold hands so that they don’t drift apart.

8. Prairie Fact

Prairie dogs have something in common with us humans, they like kissing when they meet.

9. Cat Fact

It has been discovered by animal behaviorists that cats only meow as a way to communicate with humans. They rarely meow at other cats unless a fight is brewing. each other.

10. Rat Fact

If you hate rats then you be enlightened to learn that Alberta, canada is the largest rat-free populated area in the world.

11. Blue Jay Fact

To protect their young Blue jays have learnt to mimic the sound of hawks’ in order to scare other birds away.

12. Swan Fact

In the UK, the British monarch legally owns all unmarked mute swans in open water. They also own all the dolphins and whales along the British coast.

13. Clownfish Fact

All clownfish are born male, a select few turn female when it is time to mating.

14. Moray Eels


No this is not an X-ray of Alien. Believe it or not Moray eels have a second set of jaws similar to alien that extends from their throats.

15. Duck Fact

Ducks like to surf. They have been observed on numerous occasions riding tides and swimming back to ride them again and again.

16. Wombat Fact

Did you know wombat poop is cube-shaped. It brings a tear to my just thinking about it.

17. Shark Fact

There are more people bitten in New York by humans every year than there are people bitten by shark in the world.

18. Bat Fact

Did you know female bats give birth while hanging upside down. They have to catch the baby bat in their wings other wise it falls to the ground.

19. Cat Fact

It`s common knowledge that some people are allergic to cats but did you know cats can also be allergic to humans?

20. Lion Fact

Lions used to inhabit many areas across Europe but sadly they were hunted to extinction in Europe around 100 BC.

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