Convince me with just three points from the topics below why I should support GYB*

a). Bailout Found.
b). Paris Found.
c). Statutory Salaries.
d). LGs Election.
e). Local & State Projects.
f). Human Development.
g). Kogites welfare.
h). KSU Lecturers Dismissal.
i). Deputy Governor’s Case with GYB

Please, pick any three (just three) topics from the above listed points and explain to the general public convincing them through your explanation of the above topics to support GYB.

If this is done and it happened both civil servants, market men and women, other business personalities, and the common/average men, women, youths and poor people in the society are convince happy with GYB, then I *Hon. Isah Ahmed Abubakar (Captain)* will submit my total support for GYB but if GYB can not meet up with this condition, then my mind will be forced to change from working and voting for APC to PDP.

*_Hon. Isah Ahmed Abubakar_*

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