Be Sincere!!! Whenever You’re High, What Is That Thing That Comes To Your Mind First

Be Sincere!!! Whenever You’re High, What Is That Thing That Comes To Your Mind First

Hi Guys,Its hardly difficult to come across someone in this generation who hardly have an affiliation with alcohol or drug (NOT TO GLORIFY DRUGS THO BUT SAYING FROM THINGS IN VOGUE)

Shayo is a bastard!!! But always drink responsibly 🔞

Lately we published an article here and it prompted some hilarious replies. See the post below:-

Say The Truth!!! As A Young Guy, You Do At Least One Of These – Smoking, Drinking, Or Womanizing (True Or False?)

People reacts to alcohol in several ways, Some prefer to sleep, some misbehave, it brings out the fighting spirit in some, it pushes some to do extra, it serves as an energizer to some people and so much more.

However, we have different ways we react whenever we take alcohol.

So Guys, the question we have for you is, 👇
Whenever You’re High, What Is That Thing That Comes To Your Mind First

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